
Monday, April 26, 2010


Why college take so long time to POST our result?
I am tired of waiting lahhhhh =-=

Why ARIZ REDZA din reply my text?!?!
He turn to oink oink before me lahhh.......

Why am I so TIRED?????
I sleep at 10++ still so tired, but ofcourse because of volunteer myself to become commis lahhh...

Why am I still HERE?
Because I can't live without Facebook a day lahhhh =-=

I am retarded.... w.t.f =-=

Still, I am waiting for his reply. Probably tomorrow morning at 6++
Zzzzz..... Don't wanna text him said that I am home. Punish him for oink oink 1st before me ;@

Day TWO:
There is no reason why I love you
It's just that I have fallen to you
There is no reason why I miss you
It's just that my mind keeps thinking bout you
There is no why I can't live without you
It's just that you have become a part of my life
p.s : I miss you a lot....

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