Let see what I've bought, shall we?
Dam, I love Sungei Wang. Was thinking twice should I buy the sunglasses and the heels.... Did not managed to buy coz I left the place thinking to look for a better one but then I forget or there's nothing better than before. Sigh....
Anyway, shopping in Sungei Wang it's not easy. Yes, they have similar thing but the price is different. I got the ruby pant for 35 bucks. At the same level but different sop is selling for 25 bucks. Daheq??!! Feels like I've been cheated. Really do have to find a good price before buying it.
Suppose that I am buying some hair color and bleachers for my hair but they do not have stock in hand. Ended up buying shampoo and mousse. Quite cheap tho. I like that shop. Thanks to bro for the recommendation. Know what kind of style I'm going for? Dipping. If you don't know, check out Avril Lavigne hairstyle. 2 colors if I'm not mistaken. But I'm still thinking should I go for normal hair dye, dipping or highlight.... Grrr!!
Anyway, I'm sleepy. Lack of sleep during assessment week. :(
Goodnight peeps. By the way, "Oppa gangnam style...!" Ahahahaha
Addicted to this song!
Spider-pig, spider-pig. You're freaking cute. Is it available in plushie form? Wanna hug till its exploded! Hahaha. ^_^
- je m'appelle Amanda... ❤
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