
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shitty friend

You know, in life there's a bad friend and a good one.
Well, the bad ones love to talks bad bout you behind your back.
Well friend,when you do so, be clear in mind you will lost a friend and trust.
That's a payback.
I know you've been doing that, I just kept silent.
Trust me, I can handle my patience well.
Don't test me.
And for the people who trust a gossip people says, believe in your eyes, not your ears.
"you saw wave first before you hear the sound of it"
Come to me if you need a clearer statement.
It's useless when you just heard from one party.

The best quotes.

Think twice before you did something.
You may look mature but you act like a kid.
Oh, don't talk maturity with me.
I may look childish due to my personality but I'm way back having much more experience than you do.
Test me and I'll show you.
I only show you my real maturity behavior when it comes to serious matter.
What you do now, you'll have your karma.
I will just sit back and enjoy.
Oh yes, better control your shitty mouth.
You can't bear to see my behavior or attitude, fuck off yourself k?
I don't need to show you anything.
It's me, I am who I am.
Show some respect if you want me to respect you.
Don't show me your power coz when it comes to fact, you're nothing.
I ain't afraid.
Don't think that I'm just a girl and I'll be afraid.
I'm not that easy to bow to you.
You're not my ancestor nor god.
I only bow to people who I respect, who I want to gain their respect too.
Not to someone who doesn't use their proper language or mind to talk.
Sigh, why do these people ever exist?
Epic failed!

- using iPad to blog, credits to BlogPress apps. kthxbai

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