Many people thinks that once they lie, they need to keep on lying.
I wonder why they wanna lie. Keep on making up the 'story' to support their lie.
By just telling the truth, you won't be headache to think about what the next story to tell.
To gain a trust is not easy but losing it is very fast.
Well, I do not lie much to my friends. What I should say, I just say.
What I shouldn't say, I will zip my mouth and avoid it.
I do not like to be in drama as I'm not any drama queen...
I don't either like gossiping around and I don't like to be gossiped.
If anyone wanna gossip about me, please do it behind me so that we won't be feeling very awkward whenever we hang or met.
Why am I talking bout this? zzzzz =-=
Today, bed making class. ^^
I feel like it is much better than F&B.
Although my waist pain, I felt it is quite easy.
Talking bout my waist.
Recentle, I mean on Sunday, I was trying to sleep, gosh....
The pain has return.
This time, the pain stay till today. T-T
Nvm, I still can walk. LOL
Well... My sick is getting better. yay~~~
But, whenever I took the medicine at night, I can't sleep well. =-=
And yet, whenever I wanna act fast, my body totally felt so weak. =(
So sad... =(
This Saturday will be visiting orphan's house doing community service which assigned by Moral's lecturer. Quite nervous coz I never done this before. =-=
So, I don't know what to plan and so on.... =-=
Kill me please.
Please help me???? x-x
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