I packed a lot of stuff and I realised I got thousand of unwanted stuff. =-=
Including my ex certificate.
Wtf is that cert doing in my closet?!
Okay, ignore it and back to my story.
5 medals too which is for Sport days.
See? A bunch of Kitties...
This was my special Kitty collection. =D
2 of them were given by hubby and 1 of them were given by Shawn and Rachel. Hohoho~
Went to pay my term fees yesterday and went shopping after that.
Woke up late as my alarm did not snooze me up. Stupid phone. Damn "au-ta".
Went to 1U later to watch movie, The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus".
Quite boring movie to me. Don't know why.
Before heading movie, bought 2 clothes.
Arghhh... I should have bring more money. *&^%$#*
1 month left will be celebrating Chinese New Year.
You can listen to Chinese New Year song when you pass by night market/shopping and also your neighbour. LOL
I remember Christmas still few days away and my neighbour start playing Chinese New Year song. LOL
They can't wait to celebrate it. Ahahaha...
Soon will be mommy turn. Early morning blast song. What song? Chinese New Year song.
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