Okay... I still thinks that I got cheated by a bunch of people which holding some sort of paper and some gifts.Firstly, I managed to ignore because I told them that I'm busy. Yay me.
Second, it's because of ARIZ REDZA stopped by listen to them, I got dragged along too.
This guy say I don't have to pay, just need my name and signature.
So, I just write my name and sign it, wtf. Ask for money wei. =-=
I wanted to write RM10, since most of it written there RM10 but this guy ask me to pay more just to get a fucking cow head toothbrush holder.
I asked for Hello Kitty head, they DON'T HAVE IT!! GRRR....
What make s me more piss off is, ARIZ REDZA PAY RM10 only wei!!!
See, that makes me feel I got cheated 20bucks for this stupid souvenir!
Not cute at all!!!!
Beware of them when you trying to go Times Square from Sungei Wang. =-=
That guy say he's there ALWAYS.
Try to avoid them!!!
I went to TS yesterday is because of him and also I want to know that is Very Thai restaurant still exist. xP
Yes, still exist but did not get to try the meal.
Walk around TS, bought some Japanese snacks and have my dinner. *hungry*
Bought MeltyKiss Choco for bro as X'mas present. =3
Bought Hello Panda Choco Biscuit and Milk biscuit for myself.
Hubby bought Hello Panda for his sis.
What else did I missed? Guess nothing.
We went to Vivo to have our dinner. Nice... =)
I get myself a set of fish pasta ( I forget the name) and Mocha drinks.
Ariz, Beef Lasagna and Chocolate Marshmallow bla bla bla... =-=
He was so headache bout getting meatball pasta or lasagna or salmon.
If he get salmon instead of lasagna, he might be showing off at Hafiz because it's Hafiz favorite.
So mean right?
Meet up with 3 of his friends, I can't really remember their name.
Sorry for that.
Hafiz tagged me in one of his latest picture, actually hubby showed me yesterday. COOL.
He cut his hair. @@
What happen??? LOL...
His comment from friends, all seems to be shocked.
Anyway, look so innocent!! =3
Hubby went to Pangkor Island this morning 3a.m, think so...
I were still at Sungei Wang outside helping my mom. =-=
I'm so tired which I'm falling asleep at the table. LOL
Raining heavily caused us can't get home earlier so we waited till 4a.m. and mom decided to rush back home.
Yes, get to play with rain and all my pant got wet. =-=
So I have to shower in the middle of 5a.m.
Get to sleep at 6.
Upside down d... People woke up at 6, I sleep at 6.
Mom asking me to help again this Saturday. LOL
So?? Decide later. =P
Again... I still thinks that I got cheated 20bucks for cow's head and Jacob is HOT!