
Friday, November 6, 2009


Damn pissed of once I back to that cheap company.
I don't know why I still going back there.
Maybe is because of my Chin sis, I won't return.
Just for only 4days, 3things really got me pissed off.

First, loss RM5.
The Service Manager, Kelvin Fong yelling at me with smiling face asking me where is the money.
Duh, like he's very friendly. IS NOT!

Second, the HQ department receptionist calling me and claims that she's been calling me since morning till noon and I did not pick up the call.
As I can remember, I only did not pick up ONE phone call.
So, she adds that got a lots of customer call HQ complaining that we, Spare Part Department did not pick up the phone.
This receptionist also called Jessica and she get scolded for same reason too.
Jessica line were engaged, how is she supposed to pick up?
Bla bla bla and then she asked me how many person incharge of S/P Department so I tell her that there is only 2person incharge that is Chin sis inside store and me for the front desk and phone call.
Then she asked me not to go inside the store and handle phone call ONLY.
If walk in customer buy part, I have to ignore them?
Please, please try to understand that we are LACK of staff and the STUPID S.M did not try his best to hire a staff.
Same goes to customer and salesman.
Mind your word please.
I'm not superwoman which can handle thousand of you guys.
I know you're having difficult with you appliances and you dealer, but you have to understand my difficulties too.
I try my best to help you guys out, don't make me go mad.
Once if you guys going too far away, all I can say is GOOD-BYE.

Lastly, again S.M, Kelvin Fong...
Yelled my name SO LOUD just to tell me that I have to made another copy of spare part requisation form for Service Department.
Did he have to do that?
Is not like I'm working at the other side of the building.


Today, I asked for another 2days leave from S.M for next Monday and Tuesday because my cousin sis wanna take her son to visit grandpa.
I've asked for next Friday leave cause of KK trip.
He seems dislike and did not give me any feedback so... I don't care.
I won't be going for work on Monday and Tuesday.
If he scolded me on Wednesday, I'll just take my bag and off to home.
I will not explain anything.
I rather DONATE all of my salary for you cheap poor company which is so "KIAM SIAP".
And once I leave this company, I'm sure I will not step in here to take over any places.
You can monopolize whole Malaysia but not me.
I'm not your dummy.
I can't handle whole Malaysia S/P request.
Screw you!


I think I can't manage two blogs cause once after I finish blogging bout my day, I'm so lazy to go for another blog to create new post.
All my idea have been added into here.
So my mind is blank.


Ariz hubby just say he wanna change phone and he got 4choices which I couldn't remember much...
(too sleepy till I can't remember)
He says about Aino which attracts me when I read the specification and its design is B-E-A-U-tiful.
I'm going to buy that phone soon. xP
It's touchscreen made me did not care about I-Phone anymore.
I advice hubby that, if he prefer bout the specification, chose a phone with a better specification.
If prefer bout the physical of the phone, go for the design.


Went to watch movie with Rachel, Shawn, Bro, Alex, William and David on Wednesday night for M.J This Is It movie which we booked 2weeks earlier I think.
I forget bout the time, so I finish up my work quickly heading back home as fast as I can and I take a shower.
I asked bro what time is the movie and he say 11p.m.
Why do we book this time.
Once the movie started with chosen dancers, I felt so touching coz is M.J last concert and hire some dancer from an audition.
Almost cried when I heard what they say athough I forget. =__=
His concert was so amazing when he is doing some practice with dancer, musicians and so on.
If M.J is still here and his concert is still goes on, I bet this is the world most AWESOME concert ever!
It's a waste that he gone forever...
No matter how, his voice, his songs and his soul will still remain in us...
My most favourite song of him is Thriller, Earth Song and Heal the world but other of his songs were also my favourite too. ^-^
His song and his voice is special.
Especially his move.
Moonwalk and popping style.
Haha, I still remember when he practice, some of his move like Mr.Bean.
I also realize one thing, he always bless everyone saying "God bless you..." and "I love you".
So sweet of him.
I believe he is a good one.
I love you too, M.J.

This is it, the end of my story for today.

*1 week left*