My big day is coming!!!
Not quite happy coz turning to 20... =-=
Anyway, throwing a party? nahhh....
Just a small celebration at MOS or Opera.
Still deciding which to go.
Anyway, yesterday watched Despicable Me.
I missed 40minutes show because of stupid traffic jamn! *&^%$
Nvm, asked dear to download it for the half movie to replace it. xD
Make sure he did not download those dark dark one.
He downloaded Eclipse for me and the scene is dark and I can even hear people LAUGHING!
Luckily they did not try to be half naked in the movie, otherwise the "woo" sound would be heard very clearly.
On Friday, mom's friend invited us to have seafood as dinner at Kuala Selangor. YUMMY!!!
Again, my favorite!!! ^^
Got crabby, shrimps, zzzzz gastropods and castropods. hahahaha!
Bro followed along because he skip his work.
And for today, Sunday, probably skipping.
Tired of shouting just to wake him up.
So for today, no plan yet. =-=
Wasting my time just sitting here Facebooking. =-=
How lifeless I am. duhhh!