Saturday, July 18, 2009
Career or Study?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hunting season?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Various type of story....
About my tattoo, I guess everyone wanted to know what does this symbol mean.
It's a Heart Chakra Symbol.
I read it in a health magazine and I just know about it.

Now you and me know what does it means.
Today mom told me that 5th lost in jungle.
He's been missing since yesterday.
Now police been searching for him and lot's of reporting waiting outside reporter.
Luckily got phone coverage when he reach some place with lots of bamboo stick.
Did he see panda?
Knock it off, Malaysia don't have panda larh~
He's with a friend that is a girl and 4dogs with him.
I know what you guys are thinking when you see that she's with a girl for jungle tracking.
No la, just having jungle tracking.
Pity those 4 dogs.
Not been eating since yesterday.
Same to 5th uncle and that girl.
That's why people say, when go jungle tracking, bring along compass.
No matter how much you know bout the jungle road or anything or the jungle is your own made, bring along compass.
Every tree look the same, how you going to recognize?
Bring along water and food for in case that you get lost.
Mark the tree that you have been passed thru.
My dad say 5th uncle is the new Rambo.
Pity them.
May god bless them get thru this day.
Hope he is fine.
Last night went to Red Island Cafe 2nd branch at Kepong.
Food quite nice and price quite reasonable.
Problem is, toilet.
They said that they clean up the toilet every 20minutes.
I found that they never check the toilet.
No matter it is their priciple for checking the toilet 20minutes or what, they should often check up the toilet.
What problem I face is, 1st time I went to toilet but locked up.
Don't know which girl inside there doing what is she doing.
Waited for 8minutes!!
Fine, I went back to my table and eat my fish and chip.
Taste ok but the problem is, I ate all its french fries.
I hate french fries.
Then chat with friends and then I went to toilet again.
The toilet bowl full of urine.
I have to wash it away by myself and covered the seat with lots of tissue so that my butt was clean.
It's still gave me a feeling that the toilet bowl is DIRTY.
If any staff work at restaurant, tell your supervisor or anything to keep toilet the clean.
Just now I watch the news, mom opened it to watch his brother that missing for 2days.
Back to my story.
I saw my ex-tennis coach sign up for Davis Cup and he lose.
Well, what he say is right.
Government don't appreciate what we do, unless we get NUMBER 1.
Government only gave advantage to Malay, while we Chinese and Indian race different.
Government being too unfair.
I know I have no right to complain but it's a word from my heart.
Alright, I have to wash my car now.
Wanna help?
Okay, got to stop now.
Sunset lo..
Can't see dirt anymore.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Today lots of driver forget to bring their brain along.